ThreadBetter Home Page

Twitter Threads Made Easy

Focus on your content, ThreadBetter handles the rest.

Easily Manage Twitter Content

Just write your content and ThreadBetter will automatically publish a Twitter thread aka TweetStorm.

Fast and Simple.


One Click Thread Publishing

No more copy and pasting! Review your split thread, click publish and you thread is automatically posted to Twitter.

Stop Counting Characters

We take your long form content, break it up into the correct sized posts and even add a counter to them. Preview all at once in the correct format.

Easy Thread Scheduling

For each stock and ETF you can customize the overbought, and oversold threefold and well as intervals and periods.

Add Media To Your Threads

Whether it is video, gifs or images, upload them to your threads and view them in your thread preview.

Excellent Live Support

Live chat with a human during business hours to resolve whatever issues you are dealing with.

Save Draft Threads

With our easy to use thread editor, compose and save draft threads until you are ready to publish.


Free Tier
Casual Twitter Users
  • Create and Publish Unlimited Threads
  • Unlimited Draft Threads
Content Kings
Serious Twitter Users
  • Create and Publish Unlimited Threads
  • Unlimited Draft Threads
  • Thread Scheduling
  • Add Video, Images and Gifs To Threads
  • 7- Day Free Trial, Try Risk Free for One Week


Like you, we are big fans of Twitter. It is an incredible platform for sharing content and building an audience.
While it is great for 280 character tweets, it does not make writing Threads easy. We love Twitter Threads and saw their popularity growing, so we had set out to find a tool that would make writing them easier. When we couldn’t find one, we decided to build our own and after months of work, ThreadBetter was born.
With Threadbetter, you get all the benefits of sharing Threads on Twitter (more followers and engagement) but we make it so much easier to write and manage your content. Before ThreadBetter we were using Google Docs or Sublime to compose threads all while trying to stay under 280 characters, copy pasting to Twitter and adding images after. The process was a pain and took so much longer than it should.
Now with ThreadBetter, you can take your long form content, enter it into ThreadBetter and the system will intelligently break up your content into threads. All that’s left to do is tweak the tweets, add images if you want and publish (now or schedule for later). You can even load up a bunch and save them to drafts for later.
We are very excited to be launching ThreadBetter and hope it helps you grow your audience while sharing more content because it’s so easy.
– Mike and Ian

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, you can schedule them for any time in the future. 

Yes, we support everything that Twitter supports. You can add any one of the below options.

  • Up to 4 images
  • 1 gif
  • 1 video

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